Gene Sets Enrichment Analysis

TAPIR includes a number of functions for gene sets enrichment analysis, powered by gseapy. Standard GSEA (gsea), preranked (prerank) and single sample (ssgsea) analyses can both be run with run_gsea, by selecting the type.

from tapir.gsets import run_gsea

gsmat = run_gsea(data, subsel=None, type='ssgsea', tmp_path=r'./tmp_gsea')

data needs to contain the expression counts, with samples as rows and genes as columns, subsel allows to subselect which gene sets should be included in the analysis. This can help to improve considerably the computation times. subsel can be a single string or a list of strings; gene sets whose name contains any of the strings provided will be included (e.g. HALLMARK_ will include all hallmark of cancer genes). An exaustive list of gene sets is provided, but a custom file can be set with ref. Further flags for gseapy can be provided as keyword arguments.

Gene sets network plots

A plotting function is available to plot a single gene set as a network. Circles (genes) are connected by the relative number of common appearances in other gene sets (a subselection subsel within the provided ref file and). If provided, these can be colour coded by expression (with exp). A cutoff can filter connections below a certain percentage relative to the highest connection value observed.

from tapir.plotting import plot_genes_network

plot_genes_network(gset, subsel, exp=None, cutoff=.1, save_file='./net.png')